Selasa, 24 September 2013

Job Seeker. experience.

 Soon get Bachelor then, what next ???

Dear Readers,

Hai hai its been so long since my last post hehhe, yess I'm so busy with my college thing and with my life and now I soon to be a bachelor. This is not my first time to attend a graduation this is my second actualy after i got my diploma degree. I feel so relief but on the other side I feel so anxious about my future.

what am I gonna do ?, what the right job for me? or where Im gonna work? bla bla bla, that all question always scream in my head right now. So I start looking for job from now ( Yeah Im job seeker right now people), I just worried that I waste my time if i wait graduation to apply for job.

So the journey begin, I already try to attend walk-in interview and unfortunately I lost that change. Of course as human I fell so down but I always have the positive feeling after I failed. This is not the first time also Im looking for a job, but then my mentaly and emotionaly not ready enough to face a rejection. But I think right now I more prepared eventough I still feel sad and angry.

And what I learned that when you in the middle of searching for a dream job or whatsever you have to face that fear feeling, anxious thinking, sad, angry, down and always move on when you fail to get that job. Because I believe that you will get what you want on the right time.

So beat that fear, down for a little then stand up again because I can and of course you will to.

Feel free to comment and sharing your anxious or experience Job Seekers!!!.
I hope us can get dream job and good salary also.

Kiss and Hug for Job Seekers out there. mwaaachhh!!!

Fiqih ^^

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